Our workers’ compensation team has the expertise to handle most state jurisdictions and your most difficult risks as we offer access to diverse carriers. We have extensive experience in providing insurance coverage for roofing contractors.

Our capabilities include writing primary or excess coverage for self-insureds as well as structuring large deductible plans throughout the United States. Our expertise as a wholesaler goes well beyond sourcing to delivering a viable and competitive program that best suits the situation.


  • Insured must be in business for four consecutive years or more
  • Insured must have workers’ compensation coverage for four consecutive years or more with no gaps or lapses
  • Insured must not perform any asbestos abatement
  • Insured must not perform any work on pitched roofs greater than 2 stories (30 feet) in height
  • Insured must not use “day laborers”
  • Insured must have a fall protection program in place
  • Insured must use sub-contractors for rooftop mounted cranes (if rooftop mounted cranes are needed)

Available States

  • California, Illinois, New Jersey
    • Minimum/manual premium $50,000
  • North Carolina
    • Minimum/manual premium $35,000
  • Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia
    • Minimum/manual premium $25,000
  • Will consider roofing risks in all states with a minimum/manual premium of $150,000

For any questions or submissions, please contact your Breckenridge Insurance team member or email moc.sikcerb@devlos.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Protection for Roofing Contractors was last modified: September 29th, 2021 by Breckenridge Insurance Services