Terrorism insurance – coverage your insureds hope to never use but can’t afford to be without.
Competitive and tailored terrorism coverage
Since 9/11, an event on U.S. soil has never been certified as an act of terrorism and therefore TRIA remains untested for its loss payment. Our coverage offers a broad and tested definition of terrorism that has paid multiple claims across the country.

Retail Agents: Don’t see a fit for your risk in this program?
Check out our brokerage options here.
- TRIA sets a high bar for claims to be made: large financial policy triggers, deductibles that have increased year on year since 2016 and Federal certification
- Our program addresses each claim individually, directly and promptly
- TRIA is a back-stop solution for the insurance industry, while our program is a solution for your clients
- Limits available up to $250,000,000 for Property Damage and Business Interruption
- $1M Active Assailant sublimit covered as standard
- Sabotage covered as standard
- Threat and Hoax sublimit covered as standard
- Bespoke Terrorism Liability and Denial of Access nonproperty damage coverages available
- $0 deductibles available
- Full tailored coverage for unique risks available upon request
- TRIA sets a high bar for claims to be made: large financial policy triggers, deductibles that have increased year on year since 2016 and Federal certification
- Our program addresses each claim individually, directly and promptly
- TRIA is a back-stop solution for the insurance industry, while our program is a solution for your clients
- Limits available up to $250,000,000 for Property Damage and Business Interruption
- $1M Active Assailant sublimit covered as standard
- Sabotage covered as standard
- Threat and Hoax sublimit covered as standard
- Bespoke Terrorism Liability and Denial of Access nonproperty damage coverages available
- $0 deductibles available
- Full tailored coverage for unique risks available upon request

Michael G. Marks, ARM, ASLI
SVP, Program Director
Richmond, VA
Specialty Property Program
Office: 804.459.8083
Cell: 770.315.5213

“Again, I want to thank you for all your help! I really do appreciate it. I don’t think there are many companies out there who would be willing to work with us as much as you did!!”
Insurance Agency Office Manager

TRIA was last modified: March 20th, 2025 by