At Breckenridge Insurance Services, we have the solution to suit your needs. We can write Professional XS liability, supported or unsupported, on all classes including:
- Miscellaneous Professional
- Technology/Cyber
- D&O and/or EPLI
- Allied Health/Med Mal
- Architects & Engineers
- Lawyers
- Accountants
- And more!
Rely on our technical knowledge and experience to coordinate single or multiple layers with limits of $25mm and more!
Submission Requirements:
- Full application (if unsupported, underlying carrier’s application is acceptable for quoting)
- Copy of underlying/primary quote(s)
- Currently Valued Loss runs
- If contractually required, copy of full contract requiring
Ask us about your primary professional liability as well!
For Professional XS liability submissions or questions, please email Victoria Dearing or contact your Breckenridge Insurance broker here.
Is shrinking professional liability capacity giving you the blues? was last modified: July 20th, 2021 by